Improving ground facility’s energy efficiency and disaster resilience

Improving Energy Efficiency and Strengthening Resilience to Natural Disasters

SDGs call for major, worldwide improvements in energy efficiency by 2030 (Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy), and also for greater adaptability and resilience worldwide with respect to natural disasters (Goal 13: Climate Action). Accordingly, JAXA is working to boost energy efficiency and natural-disaster resilience at our ground facilities.

Contributing to Achieving SDGs for Ground Facilities

JAXA field centers that maintain large test facilities are contributing to energy efficiency improvements by adjusting the scheduling of tests to reduce transient electric demand peaks, and by using own generating facilities to normalize electricity demand and supply excess power back to the market. In addition, JAXA collaborates with contractors and operators to inspect equipment, upgrade aging equipment as necessary, and maintain optimal equipment use, so as to reduce our energy footprint and CO2 emissions.
JAXA is making full use of lessons we learned while recovering from the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake as we continue working to strengthen our disaster preparedness at our ground facilities.

  • JAXA contributes to CO2 reduction and energy efficiency improvements at ground facilities by upgrading aging equipment, optimizing the use of equipment, and more.
  • JAXA contributes to better natural-disaster resilience by strengthening disaster preparedness at our ground facilities.
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