Make a concrete contribution to planning of future lunar exploration by determining whether water may be present in the lunar polar region in amounts and conditions suitable for use.
Determine the amount and quality of water, if any, present on the moon’s polar region.
In recent years, analysis of observational data has suggested the possibility that there is water on the Moon. To determine whether lunar water may be available to support sustainable space activities in the future, we are planning to investigate water quantity (if any) and quality in the lunar polar region, and obtain data allowing us to determine whether and where such water may be concentrated.
By investigation the lunar polar region for the presence and potential usability of water, we contribute to meaningful planning for future investigation of the lunar surface.
JAXA is working in international cooperation with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and other entities to develop the spacecraft for the Lunar Polar Exploration Mission (LUPEX). By determining whether the lunar polar region holds water in usable condition, the mission is expected to provide an important gauge for calculating how much water, oxygen, and other support materials must be transported, and how much can be sourced locally. To allow the rover to maintain power through dark lunar lights and in dark lunar areas, it will be equipped with both thin-film solar cells and ultra-high-energy-density batteries.